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Metal Work

50 anni, 1967 - 2017 Elite logo Logo Fondazione Bonatti

Environmental management system

General Management has decide to implement an environmental management system in compliance with UNI EN ISO 14001 in order to boost company commitment to environmental matters since it is of vital importance for the entire company to be increasingly aware of the need to protect the environment.
Metal Work has always considered the compatibility of products and production processes with the environment as a major factor in company development. Environmental compatibility helps meet one of the end user's main requirements - the need to improve the company's image while keeping in line with the needs of society today - and also increases competitiveness and added value.

The setting in place of an environmental management system and ISO 14001 certification are commitments requiring a series of different interventions: first and foremost technological development, followed by regular personnel training at all levels, integration with the existing organisation without having to create specific structures, communications inside and outside the company, and active participation in public debate.

The company management's increasing awareness of the need to protect the environment is a prerequisite for achieving certification. At Metal Work this condition has been met to the full and the company's aim for the immediate future is a better company-wide approach to ecological matters in order to adequately protect natural resources such as the earth, air and water, which are all vital to the survival of the entire community.


ISO 14001

As with all management systems, this standard is based on the following two fundamental principles:
- the drawing up of a series of rules written and approved by Management intended to define and control planned activities;
- the keeping of records proving implementation of the procedures and work instructions and also identification by means of system audits of critical areas requiring improvement.

The Environmental Management Systemi is structured just like other management systems, such as the ISO 9000 Quality System or the in-factory safety system. This is why companies today tends to put in place a single integrated system covering these three aspects. Furthermore, the old standards generally required a standard for the system and, more importantly, for performance.

PDCA Cycle
ISO 14001 applies to individual companies as it encompasses the fundamental principles of continuous improvement through the application of PDCA cycle: Plan, Do, Check, Act.

This consists of identifying major environmental aspects, defining the objectives, and determining the operating methods and responsibilities for achieving them.

This is the stage in which planning is implemented. The entire workforce must be trained to manage and record all activities having an environmental impact, including emergency situations.

This involves continuous monitoring of environmental matters and their impact.

This is a periodic review of the degree of achievement of the objectives in order to create own standards or make the necessary adjustments to improve environmental performance.