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Metal Work

50 anni, 1967 - 2017 Elite logo Logo Fondazione Bonatti

Work with us

"The difference between a successful company and one that isn’t is the human relations factor."

In a mature and global market that is saturated, where all competitors are able to propose complete offers that look more and more alike, the only true added value consists of human assets and relative skills at all levels.
With more than 500 workers in our Concesio factory and more than 800 people making up the Italian and overseas sales oganisation, today we are among world leaders in the automatic air system sector.

Metal Work has always made its own a culture based on attention to people, sensitivity to problems, visions - at times utopic - of the corporate mission, but able to become a reality along the way. People first isn’t just a slogan to show off in corporate rooms, but a daily mission that is tangible for all those who experience, even for a short time, the atmosphere of Metal Work. 

We offer concrete opportunities for professional growth: We dedicate more than 7,000 hours a year to training our staff, in the conviction that this is the true competitive advantage of the future.
We have always invested in corporate training, on empowerment: this means encouraging people to believe in themselves and develop abilities and awareness they already have at a potential level and which could become an inestimable resource, both for themselves and for the company. As Erminio Bonatti, founder of Metal Work used to say, "we are all richer than we think we are".

So we carry out our work every day with passion and respect: the acknowledment of the quality of our work is first and foremost a moral commitment for us.

In addition to job opportunities, we offer internships, apprenticeships, and other orientation initiatives to support professional growth and the dissemination of technical culture and STEM disciplines. Metal Work has received both the BITS (Bollino Imprese in ITS) and BAQ (Bollino per l’Alternanza di Qualità) certifications from Confindustria Brescia. The BITS is awarded to companies that stand out for their support and promotion of ITS Foundations (internships, teaching, apprenticeships, promotion of orientation actions). The BAQ recognizes companies that provide high-quality school-work alternation programs (PCTO) by collaborating with Secondary Schools and Vocational Training Centers (internships, company visits, Pmi Day).


Send us your application and let’s get to know each other better: welcome to Metal Work!